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Corona Ideas Portal

The online platform for Corona users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Pending
Workspace Corona for 3ds Max
Categories VFB
Created by David Buckley
Created on Dec 7, 2024

Tonemapping not affect Corona Sky (Environment)

I would love a toggle in the VFB tonemapping for 'affect environment'. Quite often when adjusting the tonemapping so the render looks nice, the Corona Sky ends up looking dull and the wrong shade of blue. It would be great if there was a quick way of disabling the effect of tonemapping stack on just the Corona Sky or any simulated environment for that matter. I appreciate we have the ToneMapControl but to be frank it's a bit rubbish and rarely works as expected, not to mention the constant need to restart interactive rendering if you adjust anything. I mean the data is already there in the form of the alpha channel so surely there's a way to code it so the VFB can 'ignore alpha'