The online platform for Corona users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.
All edge coloring materials don't work.Wire MaterialEdge MaterialAO MaterialCurvatures MaterialHelp Please!
Some of this should be on the Vantage Ideas Portal, e.g. VRayDirt (AO, or ambient occlusion, essentially), VRayCurvature, and Viewport Wire Color are supported from V-Ray either ( meaning those are things that Vantage does not support. Their Ideas Portal is at .VRayEdgesTex is supported (other than in opacity) so that this request comes down to just asking for export from Corona's Wire shader.
Some of this should be on the Vantage Ideas Portal, e.g. VRayDirt (AO, or ambient occlusion, essentially), VRayCurvature, and Viewport Wire Color are supported from V-Ray either ( meaning those are things that Vantage does not support. Their Ideas Portal is at .
VRayEdgesTex is supported (other than in opacity) so that this request comes down to just asking for export from Corona's Wire shader.