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Corona Ideas Portal

The online platform for Corona users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Pending
Workspace Corona for 3ds Max
Categories Lights
Created by Dart Design
Created on Aug 27, 2024

Ability to set the viewport wirecolor for Corona Lights

This function is very handy when managing complex lighting setups, especially if you're working with a team and need to make quick adjustments,iterations.

You can visually set lighting groups that are directly visible in the viewport, without any additional clicks.

This way, you don't need to struggle with object names or selecting instances, etc.

Currently, in Corona, the only thing you can do is set the wire color for the CoronaLight gizmo if the lighting source is targeted. If not, they are always yellow.

Please integrate this feature. It's a small change but brings a big impact.

Report ID: (Report ID=CMAX-1187)

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