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Corona Ideas Portal

The online platform for Corona users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Pending
Workspace Corona for 3ds Max
Categories Lights
Created by Julieta Martin
Created on Aug 27, 2024

Corona Multimap but for Corona Lights

Hi, I don't know if this is technically possible, but I've been thinking about how useful would it be to have a function to randomize a bit the saturation, temperature and/ or color like the one in the multimap but for instanced lights. Also for the intensity (with the possibility to set ranges).

This way I could just place the same instanced light all over a big building, and Corona would take care of adding the diversity and variation to them.

Thanks in advance and my apologies if this is not something technically feasible.

  • Admin
    Tom Grimes
    Aug 27, 2024

    No need to apologize, all submissions are good, even if something is not technically viable it can spark ideas that are! In the meantime, you could do something along these lines by using the MultiMap itself, placed into the Texmap for instanced lights. It doesn't directly control intensity but it can be done through some gamma variation, and a set of preset colors of varying brightness, so it is an option going in that direction for now. Hope this helps!

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