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Corona Ideas Portal

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Status Pending
Workspace Corona for 3ds Max
Categories Rendering
Created by Alexander Hubl
Created on Sep 3, 2024

render only specific object visiblie in reflections and refractions + shadows with alpha

like in the example attached it would be great to render every layer seperatly and compose it later in photoshop so you dont have to re-render a whole scene just because a tree, car or people blocks the view infront of a building

  • Admin
    Tom Grimes
    Sep 3, 2024

    Based on the example image, this should be possible using Render Selected, and a ShadowCatcher (which also catches reflections, despite the name). Can you let me know if you have run into some limitation of those existing tools? You can check our YouTube channel and documentation for information on how to use the ShadowCatcher (e.g. ). Thanks!

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