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Workspace Corona for 3ds Max
Categories Other
Created by Michał Wojcieszczyk Archvis
Created on Oct 16, 2024

RAM - Popup too Scawy UwU


sorry for the cringe title. I noticed a trend among people I teach Corona to. Over the years, one thing that inevitably happens to almost all of my students is the RAM popups.

It's a litany of text and technical mumbo-jumbo, that novices get scared of and discouraged by while the pros ignore.

I was thinking of making that message a little bit less "You broke the matrix, prepare to die" and more "Hey your computer has 16 GB of RAM, the scene you made might be too complex as it needs 20 to render smoothly, we recommend to try to optimize it by .. (small guide), meanwhile the render will proceed but it will be slower than it would be if the scene was in your "ram limit (Read more Matrix stuff)"

I know that this might be a bit ridiculous, but as I said lots of my students encounter this message and they just turn off 3ds Max or claim that their scene is bad, they get scared to render and the software looks just not friendly enough.

I try to make it clear during our lessons that big bad RAM wont hurt them, but it still comes back.

Kind Regards,

Mike VizAcademy