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If one has max passes set for interactive rendering, the stop buttons dissapears when it's reached that max number of passes. And if one for some reason doesn't want it to continue rendering, there's no way of stopping that other than making some change that will provoke interactive rendering to restart so you get the stop button back, atleast until it reaches the max passes again.
Also to clarify, I believe what you would like is for the Stop button to remain active and not greyed out, so that you can tell IR to stop after it has reached max passes and has paused rendering until anything changes?
I copied and pasted from the comment into the description :)
I'm not sure what's going on here and why I couldn't enter a description and why it posted when i pressed enter in the summary/title field... Anyways, if one has max passes set for interactive rendering, the stop buttons dissapears when it's reached that max number of passes. And if one for some reason doesn't want it to continue rendering, there's no way of stopping that other than making some change that will provoke interactive rendering to restart so you get the stop button back, atleast until it reaches the max passes again.