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Corona Ideas Portal

The online platform for Corona users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.



Showing 24 of 162

Locked Resolution in VFB

Could we have the desired Locked Resolution in the VFB instead of having it in Performace settings?
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 3 months ago in Corona for 3ds Max / Rendering 0 Pending

render only specific object visiblie in reflections and refractions + shadows with alpha

like in the example attached it would be great to render every layer seperatly and compose it later in photoshop so you dont have to re-render a whole scene just because a tree, car or people blocks the view infront of a building
Alexander Hubl 6 months ago in Corona for 3ds Max / Rendering 2 Pending

Ability to see the Albedo render element in viewport Interactive rendering

Checking the Albedo render element for overly bright areas requires to rener in the VFB. For those using the viewport version of the interactive rendering, this is an additional cumbersome step. A drop-down list in the viewport to show the Albedo ...
Guido Lupaz 6 months ago in Corona for 3ds Max / Rendering 0 Pending

Include/Exclude for interactive

Interactive is often used to quickly iterate and develop ideas but often some aspects of a scene are not needed (things with long parsing times like scatters, interior furniture on an exterior shot). It would be really useful to be able to exclude...
Sam Large 6 months ago in Corona for 3ds Max / Rendering 0 Pending